Book Cover Design

“The cover of a book is akin to the door of a home If it is welcoming, and interesting, it makes the visit all the more pleasurable and desirable.” Jeanne E. Rogers, Author

The book jacket and cover of your book is the first impression that a potential reader sees. You want your readers to be drawn to the book, and it’s your book cover that will help you achieve this goal. You want it to stand out, display your professionalism, convey the message of the story, and clearly express the genre, and age group you want to reach.

Knowing your intended audience, and what will appeal to them, will guide your decisions for a successful cover design and text. Your title, and any other headlines and content on your cover should speak directly to your potential readers.

We work with a team of talented and experienced book cover designers, and graphic artists who will help us to help you create a stunning cover designed especially for your book and its genre.

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