You’re a writer, and you’ve written something wonderful, but what do you do next? Here at Unicorn for Writers, LLC, we can help you navigate the confusing and complicated road to publishing.
Perhaps you need your query letter created or reviewed, your manuscript evaluated or edited, a hot marketing plan created, contracts negotiated, copyrights registered. You may need help finding the right Agent or assistance in self-publishing. Perhaps you need permissions cleared, subsidiary rights sold, reversion of rights requested and obtained. If so, Unicorn for Writers is the publishing expert for you.
Unicorn for Writers is uniquely designed to arm writers with the practical know-how to get their manuscript through or around the gatekeepers of the publishing world. Today, between multinational media corporations and global entertainment conglomerates, getting a publisher’s attention takes more than a great idea and a flair for the written word. Whether you like it or not, publishers view your manuscript as much as a business proposition as a work of art.
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Phone: (203) 938-7405